Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Topic of ILASW 2012


         A high level of urbanization has significantly caused the poor and slum neighbourhood in many urban areas. One of the example is the slum area that build in riparian landscape.  Riparian zone might define as the interface between terrestrial and aquatic ecosystem, which is not easily deliniated but are comprised of mosaics of landforms, communities, and environments within the larger landscape (Gregory et aI, i 991). Further, Ilhardt et a1 (2000) define riparian area as the threedilnensional ecotones of interaction that incIude terestrial and aquatic ecosystems, that extended down into the ground water, up above the canopy, outward across the floodplain, up the near-slopes that drain to the water, laterally into the terrestrial ecosystem, and along the water course at the variable width. Lebak Kantin is riparian area of CiIiwung Rivers. It is located in Sempur Village, Central Bogor Distict Bogor City. The area consist of three Rukun Warga (neighbourhood) (RW 5,6 and 7) from total of seven Rukun Warga. It is a high-density area with the total area about 13.8- ha and total population about 3635 persons. Therefore, Lebak Kantin classified as a Kupat-Kumis area (Kumuh-Padat and Kurnuh-Miskin) which characterized as an unconvenient housing, less of facility and socio-economicaIly belong to not-the have community.The Kupat-Kumis area ussually found as srea on the riverbanks, on the side of train rails, near to CBD's, suburbs, flooding and landshde area, and area behveen luxury houses.

Key Words : Rejuvenate, Urban life, Slum Area, Urban Open Space,
       Eco-design or Plan, Riparian Landscape, Local Aspect

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